Monday, February 9, 2015

history of basketball

  1. Who invented basketball?
  2. Where?
  3. When?
  4. How?
  5. Why?
  6. What were the circumstances at the beginning?
  7. What was it like at the start?
  8. What type of shorts were taken?
  9. What is basketball different today than when it first started?
  10. picture
  11. Anything else of interest    
  1. James naismith 
  2. spring-field, Massachusetts
  3. 1891
  4. By using a soccer ball,two peach baskets placed 10 feet up in the air, nine players one each and a set of 13 basic rules.  
  5. On December 21, 1891 , james published rules for a new game using five base ideas and thirteen rules. 
^. Basketball was invented to keep the men at the YMCA in shape during the winter mouths.      

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